Travel Tips

An Open Letter to a Hesitant Traveler

An Open Letter To A Hesitant Traveler

Dear Hesitant Traveler,

Stop making excuses. Stop telling yourself you can’t do it. Stop finding every little reason to not  go. Go now, because now is the only time that’s real. We all say “someday”, but that “someday” never comes. We sit around waiting for the right time, making excuses for why we need to put it off. Jobs, relationships, money, anything we can find to say, “now’s not a good time”. So when WILL be a good time?

I know it can be scary, it can be absolutely terrifying, but in the end, it’s downright worth it. You’ll learn things about yourself that you never even knew, you’ll find courage that you never had before, and you’ll feel happier than you’ve ever felt in your life. Ultimately, you’ll realize the world isn’t as scary as you thought.

We get so caught up in this crazy thing called life, that we forget to pause and do something for ourselves. Now’s your time to be selfish. Jobs can wait, relationships can wait, money can wait, but traveling may not be able to wait. So stop reading my blog and go buy a ticket. I don’t care where you go or how long you go for, just go. It will be a roller coaster of a ride, but, the future you, will thank you.


A Former-Hesitant Traveler